Get Current Windows Serial Key

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How can I get windows product key in C#? I want to get some key like windows key from client side.

  1. Get Current Windows 10 License Key
  2. How To Get Current Windows 10 Product Key
  3. Get Current Windows Serial Key Code
  4. Windows Xp Product Key
  5. How To View Current Windows Product Key
Active6 years, 8 months ago

How can I get my Windows Product Key? Skip to main content. How to find product key of my current windows. On a laptop that came with Windows 8 or Windows 8.1 preinstalled, we never need to enter the Windows 8.1 product key manually. If we reinstall the proper version of Windows 8.1 (Home, Professional, or Windows with Bing), the installation process reads the product key automatically from the BIOS; we don't even get the product key prompt.

How can I get Operating system details like OS Serial Number(OS Product key), User Domain Name,User Name and PC Full Name?What is the best way and optimal way to get it? Website x5 professional 12 serial key.

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3 Answers


Check out the (static) System.Environment class.

It has properties for MachineName, UserDomainName, and UserName.


If you're looking for the BIOS serial number (or lots of info on other hardware) you might try the System.Management namespace, specifically SelectQuery and ManagementObjectSearcher.

Get current windows serial key

You can get other info about the machine by querying, for example, on Win32_Processor or others as listed on MSDN. This is using WMI via WQL.

Windows product key via registry

For an OS serial number, in many versions of Windows, it is stored in the registry at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionDigitalProductId, however it is in some encoded form and needs to be decoded to get the product key.

You can use the following method to decode this value, found here (but slightly modified for clarity).

Get Current Windows 10 License Key

Alternatively, I found an open source c# project that supposedly can extract the product key for any version of windows: It uses the method given above and provides some additional information about the machine.

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Did you try the Systeminformation class it provides alot of information about the current system environment, take a look at the example on MSDN site. It has the followign properties:

ComputerName, UserDomianName, UserName ..etc Idm download manager with serial key.


How To Get Current Windows 10 Product Key

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Get Current Windows Serial Key Code

You need to use IPGlobalProperties.GetIPGlobalProperties MethodTo get network related information:

For Machine Name use Environment.MachineName Property:

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Windows Xp Product Key

Get current windows serial key free

How To View Current Windows Product Key

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